Monatsarchive: August 2024

Was sonst niemand darf in Deutschland

Im thüringischen Erfurt hat das achtstöckige Gebäude, dessen obere fünf Etagen das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz beherbergen, schon Patina angesetzt. Die Teppiche sind abgewetzt, an den Bürotüren hängen hier und da Zeitungs­ausschnitte, die schon ausgefranst und vergilbt sind. Darunter befindet sich … Weiterlesen

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Peter Fechter, * 14.01.1944 Berlin, † 17.08.1962 ebenda

Das Umdenken im engeren Zirkel um Willy Brandt wurde beschleunigt durch einen tragischen Vorfall. Volkspolizisten ließen den angeschossenen und nach Hilfe schreienden Flüchtling Peter Fechter am 17. August 1962 im Minenfeld verbluten. In der Nähe befindliche amerikanische Offiziere erklärten sich … Weiterlesen

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Total domination of the globe, total destructiveness of human individuality

Indeed, it is to science fiction, rather than to the more humane Utopias of the past, that we must look for the extremities of the totalitarian’s belief that, while nothing may be in itself meaningful, everything may be possible. Hannah … Weiterlesen

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Elon Musk and Donald Trump Stayin‘ Alive

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Guideline violations

Several of my Google Maps reviews which stood for years now have a status of „not posted“ with the notice that they violate Google guidelines. You will notice what these have in common, of course. They are from my 2019 … Weiterlesen

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It was Iran. Gaza is the fault of Iran.

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Support for Gaza and opposition to a genocide as personal political views

Guardian: The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has said it made “an error” in cancelling the performance of an acclaimed pianist who dedicated a piece to slain journalists in Gaza. Jayson Gillham was scheduled to perform Mozart and Brahms at the Melbourne … Weiterlesen

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Police-directed foreign policy

That concentration camps were ultimately provided for the same groups in all countries, even though there were considerable differences in the treatment of their inmates, was all the more characteristic as the selection of the groups was left exclusively to … Weiterlesen

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Vart Skall Min Kärlek Föra

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